Filmocracy is shutting down

To all the festivals, filmmakers, film critics, and film lovers,

It’s with great sadness that today we make the announcement that Filmocracy will be shutting down at the end of the month. I’m extremely proud of what we were able to accomplish over the past 6 years in striving to improve the film ecosystem, however with the direction the industry is heading, there is even less room and support for innovation.

To the filmmakers, I hope beyond all measure that a person or company comes along who will be able to take you where you want to go. It’s a cut-throat industry that is fractured and isolating when really everyone needs to support each other in order to survive.

To the film festivals, many platforms have come and gone during the Covid-19 pandemic and I hope that you continue to serve patrons in person and virtually so that all have an equal opportunity to enjoy such important art from across the world. If you have an event upcoming that you need assistance with, we are working on partnering with other platforms to assist you during the transition.

To the film lovers, I know the independent spirit will always continue to produce innovative content so I hope most of all that it’s fairly and accessibly distributed.

And last of all to my team, thank you so much for living this dream of mine. You all worked so hard over the past many years and to all of you, I will continue to repay you for the faith and energy you put into Filmocracy. The journey continues, just in a different way.

Understandably this will be disruptive to many of your events and distribution moving forward. Any questions can be sent to me directly at and I will do my best to resolve all outstanding matters.

Thank you,

Paul Jun
CEO | Filmocracy